February 1, 2011

Ladies KC of BC, Jan. '11

Ladies Kennel Club of British Columbia
Cloverdale, BC
January 28, 2011 3-1-0-0
Judge: Letitia Bett, Carrying Place ON
WD, BW, BB: Dezertfyre’s Captain’s First Mate. O: Carla & Austin Slabaugh (2 pt)
WB, BOS: Jaybren’s Northern Gold. O: Blair Kilgour (0 pt)
BP: Sokoldalu’ntierah’s Total Power Package (Dog). O: Carla Slabaugh

January 29, 2011 3-1-0-0
Judge: Brenton T. Wright, Richmond BC
WD, BOS: Dezertfyre’s Captain’s First Mate. O: Carla & Austin Slabaugh (2 pt)
WB, BW, BB: Jaybren’s Northern Gold. O: Blair Kilgour (2 pt)
BP: Sokoldalu’ntierah’s Total Power Package (Dog). O: Carla Slabaugh

January 30, 2011
Judge: Charles Bett, Carrying Place ON
WD, BW, BB: Jaybren’s Notorious Cooper. O: Kelly Smith  (2 pt)
WB, BOS: Jaybren’s Northern Gold. O: Blair Kilgour (0 pt)
BP: Sokoldalu’ntierah’s Total Power Package (Dog). O: Carla Slabaugh