Vizsla Canada Inc.
2014 Specialty Show
Caledonia, ON
Judge: Mrs. Linda More, Cary NC USA
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Sr. Puppy
1. Zoldmalic Cetli. By Furdohazi Vagany ex Zoldmali Fecske. Breeder: Zolmali Kennel Hungary. Owner: Anton Josef Sagh.
Winners Dog & Best of Breed:
Zoldmalic Cetli (0 pt)
2014 Specialty Show
Caledonia, ON
Judge: Mrs. Linda More, Cary NC USA
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Sr. Puppy
1. Zoldmalic Cetli. By Furdohazi Vagany ex Zoldmali Fecske. Breeder: Zolmali Kennel Hungary. Owner: Anton Josef Sagh.
Winners Dog & Best of Breed:
Zoldmalic Cetli (0 pt)